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Unread Message: A Love Within

Written by: Mary Angela Aquino

Illustrated by: Keith Portia Andres

Hey, what’s up?

I haven’t had the chance to take time and ask how you are doing for so long. I have been so busy for the past weeks, but I hope you’re still doing okay.

I had the sudden urge to write you a letter. Last love month, I realized, I have been greeting our friends and loved ones a “happy heart’s day!”, but I forgot to extend my love month greetings to you— the most deserving one of the love I have been trying to give someone else.

As I am writing you a letter, I cannot help but to reminisce about our days before. Do you remember when things were a lot simpler?

Our idea of love back then was having fun and playing. You did not like the idea of school, but you have always wanted to read. You hated interactions, but you also craved companionship. You’ve always wanted this and that, yet you always choose the opposite of things; you’ve always been a paradox.

You were so young back then. Little and innocent but full of hope and dreams. You ambitioned to be a nurse, you also envisioned yourself as an accountant, then it became wanting to be a lawyer. You were indecisive with what you wanted as a child. You wanted to try a lot of hobbies and you had a lot of interests, yet look at you now, a future engineer.

I guess that’s just how life is; the passing of time changes things, including the things we love. Growing up happens to everyone. We get hurt, confused, and sad, but we also laugh, learn, and mature. Changing and growing up is necessary for us to reach our full potential. Seeing you slowly reaching your best self is making me proud, even more proud than anyone in your life.

From that small girl who used to play and run around the house to becoming that strong independent woman you have always wanted to be. I know you will tell me that you’re not there yet. I will not disagree but give yourself credit also.

You used to cry and be sad about small things all the time, but now, you have learned that there are things that are out of your control and that the world does not revolve around you. You used to be shy and insecure, but now you are opening yourself to the world and enjoy interacting with other people. You used to hate yourself for not reaching beauty standards, but now you instilled in yourself that you don’t have flaws, rather they are your unique characteristics. You used to belittle yourself for failing, but now you have accepted that failure is a part of life and you’re now using your failures to excel. You used to feel purposeless, but now you have established your goals and you are focused on reaching them. You’ve finally learned to love yourself more than ever.

Malayo ka pa pero malayo ka na.

And now you’re almost at the finish line of your college journey. You’re about to enter a new one. I know you have big dreams, and this is just another step of reaching them. You still have a lot of finish lines to cross, hurdles to overcome, and challenges to conquer.

Continue to persevere in reaching your goals, but never forget to take time to pause, breathe, and enjoy in between. Loving yourself means dreaming big things for your own good, but it also means taking care of yourself in every journey you take.

Just as a quote says, “A healthy love doesn’t hurt, it heals.”. But let me add more into it.

A healthy love doesn't hurt, it heals, dreams, and grows.

As you love yourself more, may you heal from every negative thing you have, may you continue to dream for all the best things you deserve, and may you grow to achieve the best potential you could ever have.

Loving you with all the love I got,

Your self



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