Written by Aliah Nicole Brillante
Visuals by Jayvee Fulgencio and Caster John Tabora
As announced in the myUSTE student portal, the University of Santo Tomas proceeds to the refunding of unused fees from the second term of AY 2019-2020.
This is following the recommendation given by the Office of the Vice Rector of Finance last May 3, 2020 to credit the refunds to this term’s total fees.
After months of evaluation, the university decided to give a 60-percent reduction in the common miscellaneous fees and university-wide charges applied in the second term of the last academic year.
The refund will be reflected in the monthly balance of students who are currently paying in installment, while students who already fully paid their accounts will have to fill out an application form. The deducted amount depends on the year level and college or faculty affiliation.
As for the adjustments on the table of fees for first term AY 2020-2021, charges in medical and dental, cultural, drug-testing, energy, physical infrastructure development, retreat and recollection, and sports will be suspended. There will also be at least 50 percent reduction for the other fees not mentioned.
The processing of refunds started last August 27, 2020, wherein application forms were deployed via the myUSTE student portal.
Students will have to access the forms for the available refund options for them which will depend on whether they have fully paid accounts or they have outstanding balances from the second term and summer term of AY 2019-2020, and first term of AY 2020-2021.
The table below shows the methods for claiming the refund.

Accomplished application forms on refund of fees are to be submitted to Ms. Brenda Cabile (brenda.cabile@ust.edu.ph), Student Accounts Assistant in-charge of the faculty of engineering.
Students can download the PDF of the application form under the “Downloadables” tab in their MyUSTe portals.