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UST Industrial Eng’g Department qualifies in the PIEE-NSC Academic Competitions

Written by: Mary Andrew Dalogdog

Two research groups from the 4th year Industrial Engineering (IE) Department, who represented the University of Santo Tomas, both acquired a place at this year’s Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers - National Student Chapter (PIIE-NSC) Academic Competitions: National Capital Region (NCR) Qualifying Rounds held last January 29, 2022, via Zoom.

The event was divided into three categories: (1) Ask Lex PH Academy Feasibility Study Competition, (2) International Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Research Competition, and (3) Avadon International Corporation - KYK Tools Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition.

The paper entitled “A Project Feasibility Study on the Production and Distribution of Sprout Plantable Paper Bags made from Recycled Papers and Biobased Polymer” won first place in the Ask Lex PH Academy Feasibility Study Competition. The presenters consist of the following students with their research adviser Engr. Damirson A. Co from the IE department faculty: Zachary Y. Jara, Melissa Shaine M. Pajarillaga, Mickaela Mae M. Paña, and Zarina Karla B. Posecion.

To convert paper waste into useful paper bags with the inspiration of "incorporating sustainability into our daily lives, and how we can help future generations" is the main purpose of their research.

In line with this, the said product aims to target the group’s chosen United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): (SDG 12) Responsible Consumption and Production, and (SDG 13) Climate Action.

“Our product could help in reducing additional cutting of trees that is [are] needed in the typical production of common kraft paper bags. It could also encourage people to start urban farming and be more mindful with their purchases,” they added.

For the International Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Research Competition, the paper entitled “Factors Influencing Behavioral Perception and Acceptance of Telemedicine in the Philippines: An Extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) Model” won third place. The presenters consist of the following students with their research adviser Engr. Yoshiki B. Kurata, MSIE, CIE also from the IE department faculty: Sophia Alessandra D.G. Castro, Jeanne Paulene B. De Leon, Hazel V. Dela Rosa, and Alex Patricia J. Tomines.

The research focused on the analysis of factors affecting the adoption of telemedicine by the Filipino people which embodied (SDG 3) Good Health and Well-being, and (SDG 9) Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. In that way, “those who intend to make the technology more prominent in the country have a basis on Filipinos’ behavior towards telemedicine.”

“Considering that we’re living in a developing country, the study would be beneficial in strengthening the country’s capability in managing national and global health concerns. It also provides the [an] opportunity to shed light on strategies for technological advancement, and improve the accessibility to healthcare services,” they added.


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