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Tubera, lone ESC special elections bet, answers students’ questions in Miting de Avance.

Written by: Kevin Glenn Yee |

Photo by: Kevin Glenn Yee.

Karl Tubera, running for Secretary of the Engineering Student Council under the flag of LAKAS - Thomasians Unified towards Genuine, Optimistic and Nurtured Governance (LAKAS -TUGON), faced and answered the students’ inquiries in the Miting de Avance held last Friday, September 7, at Room 54.

Being the lone candidate running in the special elections, Karl Tubera, stood in front of the audience unchallenged. With no other candidates to debate with, the Miting de Avance’s format was changed into an open forum discussion.

Tubera started by laying out his platforms, Ukit: The Engineering Academic Week 2018, Gear Up: PRC Accreditation and Project: Explore the Engineering Experience (E-CUBE). After his introduction, the UST Engineering COMELEC opened the discussion forum.

When asked about the conflicts of PROJECT: E-CUBE, the planned UST ESC Newsletter, with the Thomasian Engineer’s, being that the latter is already handling the majority of the proposed sections of the E-CUBE for the past years, namely, SINGHAP (Literature), MULAT (Newswriting) and HALIGI (Humans of Roque Ruaño), Tubera responded that he did not foresee during his planning the conflicts between his project and that of the student’s official publication of the Faculty of Engineering. He added that since it is still just a concept, changes can be made in the future.

Tubera was then asked what he can offer to boost the academic excellence of the studentry aside from seminars and workshop, which he replied with a project of his during the proposed academic week that the achievements of those in the Hall of Fame, found in the Engineering Lobby, be posted in the center of the said lobby to give inspirations to the students.

In regards with his stand about the removal of abstain in the voting choices, Tubera agrees that it should be removed.

The discussion ended with the question why the students should vote for him. “If you want me to help you improve the creativity side of a Thomasian engineer, if you want to help me value the knowledge of that of a Thomasian engineer, then you should vote for me po.”

The special elections will be held on September 10 to 14 for the 4th and 5th year students only.

The Miting de Avance was organized by the UST Engineering COMELEC.



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