by: Riza Mae Albis and Yannis Montoya
The Operations Research Society of the Philippines- University of Santo Tomas (ORSP-UST) chapter held its 4th National Leadership Summit entitled “Emergence: Today’s Leaders, Catalysts of Sustainable Future” last October 28, 2018 at the Albertus Magnus Auditorium and UST Grandstand, University of Santo Tomas.
ORSP is an organization that aims be on the forefront of the development of the nation through the practice and advancement of Operations Research or Management Science. They aim to create and develop practitioners of OR in all sectors of the Philippine society and exhibit fair trade of ideas within its members.
Ariel Salvador Jr., ORSP-UST External Vice President, stated that this year’s event was not only exclusive to ORSP-affiliated schools but as well as to schools that offer Industrial Engineering and Business majors. A total of 10 schools participated this year’s event, some of which were the Quezon City Polytechnic University, Bulacan State University, and La Consolacion College Manila among others.
Carmina Mae Suriaga, ORSP-UST President, formally started the event with her opening remarks. She challenged the audience with the question “What does the sustainable future look like?”.
The first guest speaker was Mr. Francis Y. Capistrano. He discussed the overall theme for the summit which is “17 Reasons Why: The Sustainable Development Goals”. He tackled in his speech the “5 P’s (limang pinagpipilihan)” in which Filipinos line up for that results into a domino effect that escalates into a nation-wide problem. “Kahit ang pagasa, pinagpipilahan,” according to Capistrano. He emphasized that sustainable goals should be taken in an integrated and holistic manner without leaving anyone behind.
Vicente P. Reventar III, Lecturer of the Bank of the Philippines, was the second speaker to take the stage. He discussed in-depth what system thinking is, stating that if one learns "systems thinking" then one can understand the sustainable development goals and the system behind it. Systems thinking is a holistic approach to analysis, which is seeing as a whole and how its parts are interconnected to one another.
The Chief Executive Officer of ASEAN XCHANGE, Danille Fritzgerald O. Soria followed through with a statement that there are important principles to provide the roles of young Filipinos in attaining sustainable goals, such as observing and knowing.
The six leadership traits for sustainability – having life-long learning, having empathy, being a dreamer, being ethical, and being a role model to others was emphasized and thoroughly discussed by Professor Edmund P. Maceda of Enderun Colleges.
Jeleen Gail D. Tycangco, member of DC Alliance and a UST Industrial Engineering alumna, was the fifth speaker wherein she discussed how diversity and practical thinking on certain situations for different needs affect how one reaches their goals.
After the talk, the audience participated in the SDG games as an application of valuable lessons of leadership and teamwork after which concluded the 4th ORSP leadership training summit.