Written by: Doroteo Prudenciano II and Szarina dela Paz
Photo by: Ray Baltazar Alunen, Jeremy Edera, and Kimboy Tacderas
After a three-year halt, the University of Santo Tomas’ on-site Onboarding activities made its comeback with the theme "Unearthing the Treasure" welcoming almost 10,000 freshmen, including 1,286 freshmen from the Faculty of Engineering, last August 9, 2022.
The day of festivities housed freshmen Thomasian Traditions, namely, Welcome Mass, ROARientation, and Welcome Walk. Additionally, the new UST block letters and tiger statue were unboxed in the university’s Plaza Mayor later that day.
To kick-start their Thomasian journey, the freshmen attended the Welcome Mass in the Quadricentennial Pavilion. Fr. Isaias Tiongco, O.P., UST Vice Rector, presided over the mass of the afternoon session. In his homily, Fr. Tiongco reminded the first-year students to remain authentic as they embark on a new chapter of their lives.
As the mass concluded, the ROARientation began. Performances from the university’s pride, UST Yellow Jackets, Conservatory of Music Singers, Ba Duancen, UST Prime, UST Ronins, UST Galvanize, Sinag Ballroom Dance Company, Symphony Orchestra, UST Singers, and UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe, were showcased during the event.
Moments after the ROARientation, the freshmen went to prepare for their much-awaited Thomasian Welcome Walk into the Arch of the Century.
“Nakakatuwa siya dahil maeexperience na namin ‘yung buhay ng isang Thomasian at nakakatuwa na nakita rin namin for the first time yung mga friends namin [in person] rather than online,” Johann Sebastien M. Vizconde, an Industrial Engineering (IE) freshman, said in an interview.
The Faculty of Engineering was alongside the College of Architecture, College of Law, College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Faculty of Ecclesiastical Studies, Institute of Physical Education and Athletics, College of Education, Graduate School, Graduate School of Law, and College of Science in the afternoon session of the arch entry.
To mark the end of the Onboarding week, the unveiling of the remodeled tiger statue and block letters at the Plaza Mayor was administered. The UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe accompanied the unboxing as they performed Katy Perry’s “Roar”.
In his message, UST Secretary General, Rev. Fr. Louie R. Coronel, O.P., EHL, uttered that inside the box, it signifies the distinct identity of the university as the leading Catholic Higher Education Institution (HEI) not only in the Philippines but also in the Asia Pacific region.
Facilities Management Office (FMO) Director Fr. Dexter Austria, O.P. also delivered his message mentioning that the unveiling of the new structures was a representation of UST’s conquer over the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Tigers and Thomasians are very adaptable. Both are able to blend and excel in a given environment,” Fr. Austria said.
He added that the structures were also to mark the expansion of UST to Santa Rosa, Laguna, and General Santos City, South Cotabato.