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Faculty of Engineering kicks off its 115th Engineering Week

Written by: Mary Andrew Dalogdog, Aldous Dale Caballero, and Doroteo Prudenciano II

Photo by: Niña Isabelle Eblamo, Mary Andrew Dalogdog, Aldous Dale Caballero, and Doroteo Prudenciano II

The first day of the 115th Engineering Week, with the theme of “CXV: Celebrating eXcellence and Virtues in the UST Faculty of Engineering,” officially started on February 28, 2022, via Zoom.

The program began with a welcome mass presided by Rev. Fr. Roberto L. Luanzon Jr., O.P. STHD, DL, Regent of the Faculty of Engineering.

Asst. Prof. Anthony James C. Bautista, PME, MBA, PhD, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, graced the event with his opening remarks. Petron Corporation Senior Consultant and the keynote speaker, Engr. Nathaniel R. Orillos, ASEAN Eng., ChE Batch 1981, then shared some of his stories and experiences in his field as a Chemical Engineer right after.

Rev. Fr. Luanzon Jr., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Angelo R. dela Cuz, PhD., PECE, Asst. Prof. Bautista, and Faculty Secretary Asst. Prof. Evangeline E. Delaña led the Ribbon Cutting at the Roque Ruaño Building.

Afterward, the six different departments of the Faculty of Engineering performed their cheers and yells during the Department Cheer, followed by a photo opportunity with the faculty, staff, guests, and students in the zoom conference.

Engineering Student Council (ESC) President Kyla Christine Sarcos and Engineering Faculty Organization President Engr. Gabriel Rodnei M. Geslani concluded the opening ceremony by mentioning the upcoming events and webinars for this year's Engineering Week.

Research Colloquium

The Faculty of Engineering professors presented their respective research papers in the Faculty Research Colloquium. Prof. Michael Francis de Jesus Benjamin, Ph.D., and Assistant Prof. Angelito A. Silverio, Ph.D., were introduced as judges for the title of Best Presenter.

After presenting the six research papers, the presenters and judges were awarded their certificates.

The award for the Best Presenter was given to the Civil Engineering Department’s Engr. Ryan Ramirez for his research on "The Application of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) on Damaged Area Mapping: The Case of the 2020 Taal Volcano Eruption".

Second place was awarded to Prof. Marilyn Mabini from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, and tied at third place was Engr. Jehiel Santos from the Electronics Engineering Department and Engr. Allan Paolo Almajose from the Chemical Engineering Department.

The closing remarks were given by Assistant Prof. Anthony James C. Bautista to conclude the program formally.

Open Laboratory

The Faculty of Engineering showed off their facilities during this week’s Open Lab Event with a video tour of the Fr. Roque Ruaño, O.P. building.

The Civil Engineering Lab, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Lab, Computer Labs, Electronics Engineering Lab, Electronics Engineering Netlab, Engineering Physics Lab, Industrial Engineering Lab, Machine Shop, and Mechanical Engineering Lab were showcased in this event.

A YouTube video link exhibiting each facility was uploaded on the UST Faculty of Engineering’s Facebook page. The Open Lab event will be available from February 28, 2022, to March 5, 2022.

Bingo Royale

A Back-to-Back Bingo Royale 2022 concluded the first day of the engineering week. This started with an opening prayer and opening remarks by Kyla Christine Sarcos, President of the UST Engineering Student Council (UST-ESC).

The following winners of the U-S-T patterns received Php 2,000 each: Nathalie Nicole Pedro and Christian Jyreh Mendoza from the 1st year level, and Karl Christian Medina from the 4th year level. Afterward, Jasper Javier from the 3rd year level, the winner of the checkered pattern, received a grand prize of Php 8,000.

Raffle draw prizes were also given to the following students: Nhaya Marella Antonio, Fredelyn Rose Ferrer, Karl Adrian Tabios, Kharyle Alliahna De Guzman, Maria Meleeza Marquez, and Maria Karina Ramos. The first five winners each received a gift certificate, while the last grand winner received a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite.

Mimosa, a student band guest performer, serenaded the audience before the grand prize pattern with their song covers of Ride Home by Ben&Ben, Hold On by Justin Bieber, and Yellow by Coldplay.

The event was hosted by Myxen Montes and Charlette Deocadiz, both executive staff of the UST-ESC Team Publicity. The bingo royale will return later for its second day with new sets of patterns and prizes.


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