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EXCITE 2020 Caps Off with Interactive Zoom Hangout

Written by Aliah Nicole Brillante

Photos taken by Leighla Sto. Tomas

The EXCITE 2020 week-long series ended yesterday with the Interactive Zoom Hangout broadcasted through Facebook live.

Aldrei Jann Verdan, the Engineering Student Council (ESC) interim president, officially started the program with his welcome remarks.

Shortly after, Prof. Philipina Marcelo, Ph.D., dean of the Faculty of Engineering, greeted the participants with an opening address.

The first guest speaker, Engr. Venice Zaila Alolod, Chemical Engineering department faculty member and UST Engineering alumna, shared her personal experiences as an engineering student, and some pieces of advice to survive college.

Following the speech was an a cappella performance from UST Engineering's One Voice Chorale.

The attendees were then asked to join different Zoom rooms for the breakout sessions. During the split sessions, facilitators hosted games and allowed the freshmen to interact with each other.

On another talk delivered by Engr. Chiny Vispo, UST Engineering alumna, she emphasized the importance of involvement in college organizations.

Afterward, the Engineering Dance Troupe entertained the participants with a TikTok-inspired presentation.

The last guest speaker was Engr. Yong-An Chiu, UST Engineering alumna, and former "Going Bulilit" actor. He spoke about life as an engineering student and advised the freshmen to make the most out of their college journey.

Engineering students Samuel Vinoya, Mikee Retoriano, Alriz Go, and Andre Roque, forming the band Illumina, serenaded the freshmen with a Filipino song cover.

Kyla Christine Sarcos, Haiza Baccay, and Gabriel Delid, project heads of the EXCITE series, concluded the program with a speech of gratitude to the attendees, as well as the team behind

the freshmen week.

Over 200 engineering freshmen participated in the interactive Zoom meeting.

Nicole Montero, the team head for communications of the UST Network of Electronics Engineers, and David Pascual of the UST ESC hosted the event.



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