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UST Engg joins Asia World MUN II

Updated: Feb 14, 2019

From left to right: Clark Platino, Diane Maqui, Guia Parayno
Photos by: Clark Platino, Diane Maqui, Guia Parayno

Bangkok, Thailand - Three engineering students from the University of Santo Tomas were selected as delegates in the recent Asia World Model United Nation II (AWMUN II) held last January 30 - February 2, 2019.

The selected students, namely Clark Philip Platino, Diane Mariella Maqui, and Guia Rohmella Parayno from Civil Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department, and Industrial Engineering Department respectively.

AWMUN II, with a theme of "Be A Leader The World Needs" focuses on one of the top environmental problems; climate change.

The series of seminars began with an inspirational speech from Mr. Mozaharul Alam about the climate actions.

The topics of the seminars are: Providing Solution of the Unequal Burden of Rising Temperatures in Low-Income Countries; Improving Strategy to Protect World Heritage Caused by Climate Change; Migration as Climate Change Adaption Strategy; Displacement, Human Mobility, and Climate Change; The Challenge of Global Green Economy Plan on Creating Equal Job Opportunity in Developed and Developing Countries; Increasing Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Trade and Environment; Climate Change and Global Effort on Reducing The Distribution of Vector-Borne Diseases.

They also had grand symposium with the theme "The World’s Dilemma: Enhancing World Action on Climate Change" where they get to discuss the recent international issues.

“My greatest goal ko po dito is to be familiarized with what’s happening sa mundo, to understand more about the different effects of climate change sa mga countries…” Maqui mentioned in an exclusive interview with the Thomasian Engineer.

She also said, “We are the stewards of this nature and when we destroy it, we are the ones who will truly suffer…. We all should really start within ourselves.”

Asia World Model United Nation works as a platform to give youth an opportunity to share their perspectives and stands on various topics. It also aims to let young people experience statesmanship in multiculturalism. Revelation Gan and Jennica Chen



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