Written by: Justine Keith R. Moises
Photos by: Julia Beatriz Galvez
To officially kick off the journey of first-year engineering students as Thomasians, the UST Engineering Student Council (UST ESC) facilitated EXCITE 2022: An Exceptional Door for Thomasian Beginnings last August 6, 2022, via Zoom and Facebook Live.
The event commenced with an opening prayer led by Rev. Fr. Roberto L. Luanzon Jr., O.P, Faculty of Engineering's Regent.
Prof. Angelo R. dela Cruz, PhD, PECE, Acting Dean of the UST Faculty of Engineering (UST FoE), delivered his opening remarks, emphasizing the university’s longstanding commitment to improving its students’ technical competence and the quality of education it offers.
The Administrative Officials of FoE, Rev. Fr. Roberto L. Luanzon, Jr., O.P., SThD, DL, Faculty Regent, Prof. Angelo R. dela Cruz, PhD, PECE, Acting Dean, Asst. Prof. Anthony James C. Bautista, PME, MBA, PhD, Acting Assistant Dean, and Asst. Prof. Ma. Luisa T. Asilo, MEng, PECE, Faculty Secretary, were recognized after.
Furthermore, the six mother organizations of the Faculty of Engineering, namely, UST Chemical Engineering Society (ChES), UST Network of Electronics Engineering Students (NECES), UST Electrical Engineering Circuit (EEC), UST Industrial Engineering Circle (IEC), UST Mechanical Engineering Club (MEC), and UST Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES), were presented.
An overview of the eight interest organizations in the faculty, namely, UST One Voice Engineering Chorale (OV), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers - (ASHRAE), Rotaract Club - Engineering Unit, UST Engineering Commission on Elections (Engineering COMELEC), Engineering Dance Troupe (EDT), UST Cisco Networking Academy Gateway (CNAG-ENGG), Operations Research Society of the Philippines – UST Chapter (ORSP-UST), UST Engineering Alumni Association (UST-EAAI), and UST Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch, was provided afterward.
Five first-year students each won grab vouchers worth 500 pesos in the raffle draw facilitated subsequently.
Asst. Prof. Anthony James C. Bautista, PME, MBA, PhD, Acting Assistant Dean, concluded the first part of the program with his closing remarks, providing tips on how to achieve success in the field of engineering.
After a short break, the students proceeded to the private Zoom link provided by the ESC, where they accomplished team-building activities that sought to build a bond among the students and their respective blocks.
The event was done in collaboration with Tiger Apparel.