Written by Lance Kasel Lasam
Visuals by John Patrick Villa
Are you working with a tidy desk or a messy one?
Many prefer a messy workplace when working on projects. Others though stick to, and also advise everyone else, to have an organized place to finish their assessments. Or maybe, your desk is somewhere in between, like the main table is clean, but the surrounding shelves are disorganized.
What are the benefits that come from having a neat study table? Can something good come up out of the chaos in front of you whenever you work? Is it okay to prefer one over the other?
A clean desk is kind of like the standard of a workspace. It looks nice and inviting, and you often feel refreshed and clear to work.
Clutter is the one thing you should avoid. Solution papers, pens, and textbooks are placed in specific locations. Your gadget is positioned right in front of you, leaving a nice open space for you to do your work.
A neat workplace leads to less stress since you won’t have to deal with the mess within your area. It can also have a positive influence on your psyche - a clean desk represents a clean spirit.
The main problem to a tidy desk, however, is that it does not really permit the development of new ideas for projects.
Sometimes, while rummaging through stacks of papers hidden on your shelf, you find a hidden piece that you need to complete something. These moments do not really happen when everything is in its place.
Yes, a clean table is nice to look at, but it also lacks life and individuality. Sometimes, the best ideas come from dealing with the clutter. Even hunting for a pen or notebook can lead to a “eureka” moment.
A messy desk, on the other hand, has its own benefits. A clean desk can promote good and healthy behavior, but a study shows that an untidy one can promote creative thinking and help a person develop new ideas.
A person who has this kind of desk tends to be more extroverted and creative in doing things. They also tend to be busy with their stuff, and don’t really have a problem with how their desk looks.
There is nothing wrong with a little chaos. Some even say that it helps the brain to find simple solutions to complex problems.
The problem here, though, is relatively simpler. You get less work done. It is much easier to locate information in an organized shelf than one that is not.
Having a messy desk can lead to lost information and documents that you may need at that time. It can also lead to more stress, since you often have to deal with going through every corner of the table just to find the important stuff.
Having order while working can lessen much of the hassle. Plus, it feels much more relaxing and energizing to work on a clean desk.
The desk reflects who you are, what you do, and how you work on something. If you prefer a disorganized one, maybe you want ideas to come to you. If you like to have a clean desk, that can mean you are more organized and want a nice place to work on. If you have a desk that is both tidy and messy, then it’s still fine - you still get the benefits of both of them.
Whatever the state of your workplace is right now, it doesn’t really matter how your desk looks, as long as you get the job done. It is still imperative, however, to at least be responsible with your things. Too much of either preference does not bode well to your work ethic.
Alton, L. (2017). The Negative Relationship Between a Messy Desk and Productivity. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/larry-alton/waning-productivity-could-a-messy-desk-be-to-blame.html
Association for Psychological Science. (2013). Tidy desk or messy desk? Each has its benefits. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130806091817.htm
Bene. (n.d.). Pro and Contra. Clean Desk Policy?. Retrieved from https://bene.com/en/office-magazine/pro-and-contra-clean-desk-policy/
Business News Daily Editor. (2020). What a Messy (or Neat) Desk Reveals About You. Retrieved from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4882-messy-desk-personality.html
Grasshopper Team. (2014). Clean vs. Messy Desks: What Does Your Style Say About You?. Retrieved from https://grasshopper.com/blog/clean-vs-messy-desks-what-does-your-style-say-about-you/
Richmond, M. (2017). Clean vs. Chaos: What Does Your Desk Say About You?. Retrieved from https://maevesmethod.com/clean-vs-chaos-desk-say/#:~:text=Similarly%2C%20a%20busy%20cluttered%20desk,known%20for%20his%20cluttered%20desk.
Timestead. (n.d.). 5 Benefits of Keeping a Clean and Tidy Workspace. Retrieved from https://www.timestead.com/blog/5-benefits-of-keeping-a-clean-and-tidy-workspace/